First time, in THE MUSEUM OF MODERN ART from Buenos Aires
"THE TENNIS MATCH" Project, in October 1997 a video instalation
In March 1998 in the MUSEUM OF FINE ARTS from Bs.As. with backlights
In May at the PALAIS DE GLACE with a drawing prospective
In July in the CULTURAL CENTRE OF SPAIN, Cordoba City with backlights
In August in the CULTURAL CENTRE RECOLETA in Buenos Aires, the video instalation
In September at the Video Price ICI, video"TENNIS" SVHS 12 min.
In October in the INTERNATIONAL BIENNIAL in the MUSEUM OF CONTEMPORARY ART, Mendoza City with backlights
In October - December at THE BANFF CENTRE FOR THE ARTS producing a website "THE TENNIS MATCH" in a Co-Productio

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